Our Policy Regarding Email Campaigns and Unsolicited Email (SPAM)
v-Fluence Policy Regarding Email Campaigns and Unsolicited Commercial Email (SPAM)
On behalf of various clients and other partners v-Fluence frequently identifies various topic-relevant online opinion leaders with whom we seek to establish a relationship or dialogue. In providing outreach to such opinion leaders, either by e-mail or other forms of communication, we conform to industry best practices and other defined standards that address the problem of unsolicited commercial email (UCE) or spamming.
As defined by the CAN-SPAM act of 2003, v-Fluence e-mail outreach on behalf of clients (either directly from client accounts or through v-Fluence owned accounts) will always ensure there is:
• An opt-out mechanism;
• A valid subject line and header (routing) information; and
• Easy access to the legitimate physical address of the mailer.
• (v-Fluence will not engage in any outreach involving adult content)
All v-Fluence e-mail outreach on behalf of our clients will be done in a transparent manner and will provide a valid return e-mail address monitored throughout the course of any outreach campaign. Other relevant contact information, including names, alternative e-mail addresses and phone numbers for relevant individuals are included whenever appropriate and available. When e-mail is issued by v-Fluence on behalf of a client from an e-mail address or URL not customarily linked to that client (a common practice to protect client e-mail from spammers), we will identify ourselves and the name of the client on whose behalf we are sending the correspondence.
Further, v-Fluence will only conduct outreach to identified individuals who have a legitimate potential interest in the receiving content being distributed. Our standard and general client recommendation for initial outreach to individuals who have not previously opted-in to a specific outreach program is to send informational content which seeks to engage an individual versus commercial content linked to the sale of a product or service. We do not add anyone to our newsletters or other email reports without their consent and all recipients must opt-in to access our information.
v-Fluence does not purchase or create random lists for bulk e-mail distribution, period.
Please feel free to contact us with any questions or comments to info (at) v-Fluence.com